A lot of people, when presented with Linux, first think "this is unnecessarily hard". And, for first time users, it may be right. Some people just don't want to be in control, and just want to use their PC to it's satisfactory potential, not it's full potential. Linux isn't just your normal everyday OS, it's what makes a computer a TOOL, not a TOY (although it might as well be a toy for me). Let me tell you my honest opinion on why Linux is better than Windows or macOS, and in what cases you DON'T want to switch to Linux.
1. Linux is open
And I don't mean open-source. I mean open. It's open to you. It doesn't try to prevent you from using it. It doesn't control you, you control it. For example, if there is an error in a Windows Program, what are you going to do? Probably wait for a fix, or find an alternative program. Most people don't even read what error it is, since most Windows pop-ups are "ERROR CODE BLAH-BLAH", or some other gibberish. Linux, however, tells you what is wrong, so you can easily (or not) fix it yourself. Sometimes, Linux even outright TELLS you how to fix the issue. Recently I have been angry at Linux for having me travel through a multitude of Forum and guide pages, but then I remembered that on Windows, there is no such opportunity at all. It's easier to use Windows, because you don't use half of your PC's power. It 's almost like you purposefully restrict yourself for usability.
2. Linux is everything
Linux is everything, and I mean it. If in Windows or macOS, you have just one way of using your OS, Linux basically can be anything. It can be a Windows-style Cinnamon, or macOS-style elementary, and that is why being open source is a good thing. If it took months for me to figure out how to change the taskbar layout on Windows, but on Linux, all it took was a Google search
3. Linux has a terminal
Now, I know that macOS has one too, but it is worse than the Linux one. Don't even get me started on PowerShell, which is way inferior to bash, zsh, or anything else. The linux terminal makes it easy to do things, since it can basically do anything. And with the addition of shell scripts, it can help you automate everything and anything.
Why Windows might be better (for you)
If you are the type of person who doesn't want to take control of their PC, and just wants to use it to do simple tasks that involve proprietary software, gaming, or just a person who doesn't want to fiddle with their PC - Windows or macOS is for you. They are expensive, behind Linux, and don't respect your privacy, but nobody will blame you for using them, since they can be a lot easier to learn and use than Linux. When you use Windows, you focus more on the task, rather than the type of OS you are using. You want things to work, without having to worry about anything else. And that's okay. But, just give Linux a chance. Try Linux Mint, or Manjaro - they are a good way to start off with Linux. You can go to my Torrents Library, and download what is right for you.
If you want to make your Linux learning experience as quick as possible, try Arch with Zen. Zen will make it a ton easier to install Arch, and if you learn to use it, you will learn to use almost any distro, which is very nice.
Anyways, increase your IT literacy by installing Linux, or at least giving it a try. It is good.
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